Friday, May 12, 2017

May 8, 2017

What a wonderful week full of blessings and full of lots of food :)

Almost all the pictures from this week involve food! 

My companion Sister Salvador and I

Tuesday I had splits with the Sister Training Leaders! I got to spend the day with my first companion of the mission Sister Ferreira! 


Ice cream on the stairs.... 

Pizza breads... 

Tacos PART 2... 

Umbu Juice. I don't recommend it ;) 

As much as feasting on food is important... More important is feasting on the words of Christ! 

2 Nephi 32:3  Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.
If you are not currently reading the book of Mormon, Today is a great day to start! If you aren't reading the Book of Mormon every day. I invite you to start reading every day.
I know that through reading the Book of Mormon everyday we will be able to receive personal revelation and the strength we need to deal with ALL of our problems and difficulties in our life. I love this gospel and I love that I am a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I find strength in reading the Book of Mormon everyday! I love it! Every time I read it, I find something new that I didn't notice before. Eu sei que esta igreja é verdadeira. Eu SEI que Deus nos ama e que Ele mandou seu filho Jesus Cristo para tomar sobre si todas nossos pecados, dores e aflicoes. Eu sei que Ele sempre esta proximo e sempre vai nos ajudar se buscarmos!!! **

Amo voces!!! Ate mais! :)
-Sister Hancock
** (Translation)I know this church is true. I KNOW that God loves us and that He sent His son
Jesus Christ to take upon Himself all our sins, pains and afflictions. I know 
He is always around and will always help us if we seek Him !!!

Love you!!! See you! :)