"Hello everybody! My name is Sister Muniz and I am a missionary! We have a special message for you and you and you and ALL of youuu!!! Now... LISTEN TO MY COMPANION! Speak companion speak!!!"
My companion is waiting for her Visa to go to Florida and I have been trying to help her learn some more English. The phrases above are what she will yell on the streets!
I apologize for not writting the past few weeks! December 17th we had transfers, but I stayed in Pinhais again with my companion Sister Muniz!
I won´t write too much, but here are a few things that have happened the past few weeks.
We had a Christmas Devotional and the 4 of us that live in Autodromo ended up being the ONLY 4 people that didn't wear red. Every single person was dressed in red... except us. At one point President Hart said ``Wow you are all wearing the Color of Christmas!!! Red!.... Almost all of you are wearing red! Haha, there I was sitting in the middle of the crowd dressed in a teal shirt and a coral flowery skirt! The only thing red that I was wearing was my face from embarrassment!
Mission Picture Curitiba Mission December 2016
(Sister Emily Hancock - 8th from right, second row- borrowed a red jacket, I think - Emily's Mom)
The day after and for about a week and a half I was sick. The doctors have no idea what it was and each doctor said something different. So I still don´t know what it was... But at this point I am feeling 100% better!
On Christmas I got to Skype
my family! It was the best Christmas present!
(Yes it was - Emily's Mom)
Gifts from the Members in Brazil
(Emily's package from home arrived several days after Christmas)
On New Years I was already sleepy at 10:30 but then got awoken by the fireworks. I looked out the window for about 5 minutes and then put in ear plugs and went back to sleep!
We got soaked in the rain a few times this week. Three times we got caught in the rain, far from our house, without an umbrella!!!
This past week we got to go to the temple and it was incredible!!!
I am starting to forget English sometimes. Here 2 examples from the past few weeks. We were teaching a person who is from Haiti and he doesn't speak Portuguese but he does speak English a little! We were explaining the book of Mormon to him and I said... ``This page is an explication of the book`` then my companion said something and I say thinking... "Explication?... Explication?? that doesn't seem right..." then about an hour or so after the lesson we were walking on the street and I said "OHHH EXPLANATION!!!! Its not Explicate! It is Explain!!!"
Also sometime Sister Muniz will ask me how to pronounce a word and sometimes I can't remember so she has to ask another sister that arrived 4 weeks ago here in Brazil!
We are having lots of lessons and all of a sudden we have a ton of investigators! It is wonderful! It is wonderful to be able to see people change their lives and come closer to the Savior, Jesus Christ!!!
I love you all!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and a great start to the year 2017!!!
-Sister Hancock